How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?

In my group’s learning resource, we have chosen two exceptionalities: colourblindness and hard of hearing. Throughout the lesson we will keep these exceptionalities in mind, as well as other ways to make our lesson inclusive in other ways.

In order to make this an inclusive resource for all of our students, we need to think of all of the barriers. Some barriers may be faced in the content we are providing and our assessments.


Kahoot is a great tool to use in the classroom. Kahoot should not be used as a learning tool, but rather for review and as a fun way to internalize ideas learned throughout lessons. We realize that Kahoot is not always fair, and not all students like competition, so we will make the Kahoot anonymous so that we do not have a podium of students’ names at the end of each round. The kahoot will be presented on the projector, and we will also read out loud each question as they pop up. We will also read each answer out loud. Each answer will have a short sentence answer, as well as a picture.


Edpuzzle is great at considering accessibility. When we create the Edpuzzle, we will record each question so that it plays out loud when the questions pop up on the screen. Additionally, we will create the option to have closed captions when playing the video. We will also give students the option of using speech-to-text when filling out their answers. Each student will be doing the Edpuzzle on their own so we will give each student a set of headphones.

Final assessment:

It is important to include multiple means of action or expression in the classroom, therefore we will include multiple ways to complete the final assessment (Universal Design, n.d). The goal of our summative assessment is to answer the question: What happens when there’s no rain? With this assignment, students will have to present a text to share with everyone in the community. This is a meaningful assignment because it will be constructed with the intention to share it with the larger community. There will be student choice when creating the assessment. Some students may choose to create a comic strip, some may choose to create a poster, some may create a written paragraph, some a video, and so on. We are open to options that the students provide. With whichever form of representation the students choose to complete, we will assess each student with the same learning goal in mind.

Throughout the unit:

Throughout the unit, we will plan our lessons to have teaching cues that allow tasks to be broken up into manageable chunks (Inclusive Learning Design, n.d). This will involve us giving step-to-step instructions for all lessons so that no student is left unsure of what to do. Additionally, we will ensure we are speaking and enunciating loudly so that all students can hear. In anything we present, we will zoom in on what we are teaching so that it is large. We will also print on the board large. We will also recognize when students need brain breaks and do so accordingly, our assessments can be done at a later time if that is the case (Universal Design, n.d).

EdTech Admin. (n.d.). Universal design. EDCI 335: Learning design for technology-mediated environments. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

EdTeach Admin. (n.d.). Inclusive Learning Design. EDCI 335: Learning design for technology-mediated environments. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from